10 Remote Work from Home Jobs That Pay Well
10 Remote Work from Home Jobs That Pay Well

The global pandemic has accelerated the work-from-home movement in a big way. More than half of the American workforce was working remotely as of April 2020, according to a survey by freelancing platform Upwork.

This is good news for anyone interested in working from home jobs and enjoying the benefits they provide.

In this article, we’ll take a look at ten jobs (many of them with entry-level options) that hire remote employees. These jobs pay well and are projected to be in demand through 2032, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). You’ll also learn more about the benefits of working from home, and some tips for applying to remote jobs.

10 real work-from-home jobs that are hiring

As we begin to look toward our post-pandemic future, it seems that more and more companies plan to permanently support more remote work opportunities across a wide range of industries. If you’re interested in pivoting to a job that allows you the flexibility that comes with working from home, consider these career options.

All salary data represents the average salary in the United States as of April 2024, according to Glassdoor. Job growth data comes from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and represents projected growth from 2022 to 2032 (unless otherwise noted).

Benefits of working from home

As many have come to realize during the pandemic, working from home comes with a host of benefits. Here are a few reasons to consider switching to a career that supports remote work:

  • Work-life balance: Working from home often offers a more flexible work schedule, which can help you better manage family responsibilities, hobbies, and other life obligations.
  • Increased productivity: According to a FlexJobs survey, more than half of respondents (51 percent) said they’re more productive working from home than they are in the office [5].
  • No commute: The average one-way commute in the US is 26 minutes [6]. That’s nearly an hour a day or more than four hours a week. Reclaim that time when you work from home. Shorter commutes have also been linked to reduced stress and better health.
  • Location independence: In the world of remote work, you don’t have to relocate to a new city to get a job. You can live where you want and work for the company you want, no matter where they’re located.
  • Financial savings: When your home is your office, you can save money on gas, parking, childcare, eating out, and even your work-specific wardrobe.
  • Better health: Working from home can translate to more time for physical activity, less exposure to illness, the option to create an ergonomic workspace, and more opportunities to eat healthier.

How to work from home: Tips for applying to remote jobs

You might find applying for remote jobs to be a bit different than the typical in-person experience. As you prepare to make the switch, here are some tips to help you find and get hired for remote work.

  • If you’ve worked remotely or collaborated with colleagues in a different location in the past, highlight that experience in your resume. Use the words “remote” and “virtual” to help applicant tracking systems pick up that experience.
  • Similarly, if you’ve used digital collaboration tools before (Slack, Salesforce, Trello, Zoom, etc.), make sure to include them in your resume as well.
  • Include remote-only job boards, like FlexJobs, JustRemote, or Working Nomads, in your job search.
  • Focus on developing and highlighting key skills for remote work, including written communication, self-direction, adaptability, and time management.
  • Find a quiet and well-lit spot for your remote interviews. Before the interview, make sure your computer, camera, microphone, headphones—any tech you plan on using—is in good working order.